Your koha to the marae for this initiative will provide a legacy of your whānau and mokopuna for generations to come.

We understand that everyone is busy, and can’t always make events, so here is a way that you can contribute.

You can buy multiple bricks for your whānau if you wish.

Just remember the more words or letters on the brick will reduce the size of the font.

If we can we will have all bricks with the same size font, so we are all on the same level, and everyone can been seen.

Time payment is allowed so just send us a message and let us know your process and we will keep track of all the details. Make sure you also let us know what name or names you wish to have on your brick via email or message.

The secretary will keep a list of bricks and names and details so we can have this ready when the time comes.

Thank you to all our supporters!! remember to register your details with the secretary if you haven’t done it already.


Our first lot of bricks, here are the examples:

So as you can see, once you have made payment, let us know the details to go on your brick and we will keep that safe, until our wharekai is built and all the purchased bricks will be displayed, viewed and blessed as part of our opening ceremonies. Kia ora whānau

Thank You!

We'll be in touch soon :)